Forehead Reduction

What is Forehead Reduction

Forehead reduction, also known as hairline lowering surgery or foreheadplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size of the forehead and lowering the hairline. This procedure is typically sought by individuals who have a high or excessively prominent forehead, often due to genetics or previous surgical procedures.

During the surgery, the surgeon makes an incision along the hairline, removes a strip of scalp, and then repositions the hairline to a lower position on the forehead. This can help to create a more balanced and proportionate facial appearance. The procedure may also involve reshaping the forehead bone if necessary.

Forehead reduction surgery is considered a relatively safe procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. However, like any surgery, it carries some risks, such as scarring, infection, and changes in sensation. It’s essential for individuals considering this procedure to thoroughly research the potential risks and benefits and to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine if they are a suitable candidate.

How does Forehead Reduction works?

Forehead reduction, also known as hairline lowering surgery or foreheadplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the forehead by lowering the hairline. The specific techniques used can vary depending on the individual's anatomy, goals, and the surgeon's approach, but the general steps of the procedure may include:

Consultation and Evaluation

A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is the first step. During this consultation, the surgeon evaluates the patient's facial anatomy, discusses the patient's goals and expectations, and determines whether forehead reduction is a suitable option

Preparation for Surgery

Before the surgery, the patient may undergo pre-operative evaluations and tests to ensure they are in good health for the procedure. The surgeon may provide instructions on pre-surgery preparation, including any medications to avoid and lifestyle adjustments.


Forehead reduction is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient is completely asleep and does not feel any pain during the procedure.

Who can benefit from Forehead Reduction?

Forehead reduction surgery, also known as hairline lowering surgery or foreheadplasty, can benefit individuals who are dissatisfied with the size or height of their forehead.

High Forehead: People with a high or excessively prominent forehead may feel self-conscious about their facial proportions and seek to reduce the height of their hairline.

Desire for Facial Harmony: Individuals who desire better facial harmony and balance may consider forehead reduction to achieve a more proportionate appearance.

Concerns about Forehead Size: Some individuals may feel that their forehead size makes them look older or more masculine/feminine than they desire. Forehead reduction surgery can address these concerns by lowering the hairline to create a more youthful or gender-appropriate appearance.

Genetic Predisposition: Certain individuals may have a genetic predisposition to a high hairline or forehead size that cannot be adequately addressed with non-surgical options. For these individuals, forehead reduction surgery can provide a permanent solution.

History of Hairline Changes: Individuals who have experienced hairline changes due to factors such as aging, hair loss, or previous surgical procedures may benefit from forehead reduction to restore a more youthful and natural appearance.

Realistic Expectations: Candidates for forehead reduction surgery should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. While forehead reduction can significantly lower the hairline and reduce forehead height, it cannot completely change the natural shape of the forehead or alter other facial features.

Consultation with a Qualified Surgeon: It's essential for individuals considering forehead reduction surgery to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in facial procedures. During the consultation, the surgeon will assess the individual's facial anatomy, discuss their goals and concerns, and determine if they are suitable candidates for the procedure.

Who are Good Candidates for Forehead Reduction?

High Forehead

Candidates typically have a high or excessively prominent forehead, either due to genetics or other factors, that they wish to reduce in height.

Realistic Expectations

Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. While forehead reduction surgery can lower the hairline and reduce forehead height, it cannot completely change the natural shape of the forehead or alter other facial features.

Desire for Facial Harmony

Individuals seeking forehead reduction surgery often desire improved facial harmony and balance. They may feel that their high forehead affects their overall appearance and seek to achieve a more proportionate look.

Good Health

Candidates should be in good general health and have no medical conditions that could increase the risks associated with surgery or impede the healing process.

Stable Hairline

Candidates should have a stable hairline, meaning that their hairline has not receded significantly in the past year. If there is ongoing hair loss or a history of significant hairline recession, additional evaluation may be necessary to determine if forehead reduction surgery is appropriate.

Realistic Hairline Positioning

Candidates should have realistic expectations about the final position of their hairline after surgery. While the surgeon can lower the hairline to some extent, there are limitations based on individual anatomy and scalp laxity.

(FAQs) about Forehead Reduction?

Forehead reduction surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision along the existing hairline, removes a strip of scalp, and repositions the hairline to a lower position on the forehead. The incision is then closed with sutures, and dressings are applied to the surgical site.
Recovery after forehead reduction surgery involves swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the forehead and scalp, which can be managed with pain medication and cold compresses. Patients are advised to keep their head elevated and avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery period. It may take several weeks for swelling to fully subside and the final results to become apparent.
Like any surgical procedure, forehead reduction surgery carries risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in sensation. There is also a risk of hair loss along the incision line, although this is typically temporary. It’s essential for individuals considering this procedure to thoroughly discuss the potential risks and benefits with their surgeon.
The results of forehead reduction surgery are typically long-lasting, providing a permanent reduction in forehead height. However, individual results may vary based on factors such as genetics, aging, and lifestyle habits.
Non-surgical alternatives to forehead reduction surgery include hairstyling techniques, such as bangs or hairstyles that minimize the appearance of a high forehead. However, these methods only provide temporary improvement and do not address the underlying cause of forehead height.

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